Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monster Rancher Video - My Name Is Pixie - Episode 20 Part 1

Here's another Monster Rancher video. It's the first part of episode 20 called "My Name Is Pixie."

It has almost 3,000 views!

We need as many signatures on the petition as we can get!
Sign the petition here:
Monster Rancher Petition

More Monster Rancher Vids

Here is episode 22 of Monster Rancher, called Run, Tiger, Run!

These were put up a couple days ago.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Monster Rancher Anime Music Video on YouTube - Monster rancher bites the dust

Here's a great AMV of Monster Rancher that was put up on YouTube a year ago.
It has almost 3,000 views.


Monster Rancher Video on YouTube - Tiger and Graywolf

This video also has thousands of views!!!

Please, we NEED Monster Rancher!!!

In fact, it has more than twice the first video posted here! (It has almost 7,000 views!)

YouTube Video of Monster Rancher - Fighting Pixie

This video has thousands of views, which shows that there is an audience for Monster Rancher!


I started a new petition that I want to be sent to Digiview Entertainment and BKN International AG.

Here's what the petition states:
To: Digiview Entertainment and BKN International AG

We the undersigned wish for the anime series of Monster Rancher to be released in full, unedited, with English and Japanese languages, and English subtitles in the United States of America and Canada.

This show has been highly rated by those who have seen it, just look at

Almost every episode has a 10/10 rating!

Please, please bring Monster Rancher back to those who love it most!


The Undersigned

Please, sign the petition, and help out this worthy cause!

Monster Rancher Petition